Visitor Info

Manchester Harbor is well buoyed and easy to enter in almost all weather.  The inner harbor is generally well protected in typical summer weather and storms.  See the Directions page for charts and information on entering the harbor and location of Manchester Yacht Club.

Moorings and Anchorages

Anchoring is only available for larger vessels outside the mooring field in the outer harbor beyond the main channel along the Manchester shore.  Moorings may be available from the following sources:

Manchester Harbor Master
(978) 423-2520
VHF 9, 16 and 68
Manchester Yacht Club
(978) 526-4595

Crocker's Boat Yard

(978) 526-1971
Manchester Mooring Service
(978) 526-4480
VHF 72

Useful Contacts

Manchester Harbor Master
(978) 423-2520
VHF 9, 16, and 68
Manchester Draw Bridge

VHF 13
U.S. Customs
(978) 921-0782

Fuel, Ice & Pump Out Stations

Manchester Marine
(978) 526-7911
VHF 72

Boat Yards

Crocker's Boat Yard
(978) 526-1971

Manchester Marine
(978) 526-7911
VHF 72

Towing & Salvage

Crocker's Boat Yard
(978) 526-1971

Tow Boat US
(800) 888-4869


Crosby's Market
(978) 526-4444

Taxi Services

Tri City Taxi
(978) 531-3112

Beverly Trans
(978) 338-4466